Thursday, January 8, 2009

A New Year

 My New Year's was nothing grand, yet, I was able to stay awake past midnight, something I haven't done in quite a while. I was watching a movie as the New Year came in, and I was mindful of the fast approaching midnight. I received a few text messages from friends, smiling and replying to them with wishes for the upcoming new year. I didn't give much thought to it until a few days later, and it was during Sunday Service that I began to ponder this brand new year and to question myself, as I always do, about the changes I am going to make for myself. We had a great message from our Pastor that morning, and surprisingly, at our new building dedication, the guest speaker used the same title for the message. And it has me thinking, as I am always doing, silently pondering within my mind and heart. The message title was no other than, " What is it that God is Requiring of Me This Year?"  It was a pretty simple message, and the things that stuck out in my simple mind, was the main things that both of these minister's touched upon, God wants my Love, Obedience, and Attention. How often though does he get those three things from me, and is it with my whole heart and devotion to him that I give it? 

  To answer those things, I have to take a long look at my relationship with my God and say, that I try very hard to be obedient, I do love him, and I try to give him my attention, but sadly, it isn't with my whole being I do those things, but it also isn't because I am trying to impress someone with my religious life that I do any or one of those things. I do it, simply because I need Him in my life. I need his word to start off my day, to reinforce that I am to serve him and love him, and that I am to read his word to map my life according to his.  I need quiet time with him, and my time is early in the morning before anyone is awake in my house, before the lights shine so bright in the kitchen, before my folks coffee pot brews, before the radio is turned on, or the TV set comes on, just so that I may read a few passages in the quiet semi still hours before all gets busy. I try to pray each day before  I leave, and I try to remember those in need. I pray for protection for my family, and I thank Him every day for giving me another precious day. I never know what is in store, but I can face it with the knowledge that God loves me, and is with me no matter where I go. 

 So I may not do things exactly the way I should, but sometimes I am reminded that He isn't through with me just yet. I am still a work in progress. Thank goodness. :) 

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