Thursday, October 1, 2009

That Time of Year

When I hear the phrase," It's that time of year again," I think of cool brisk mornings, fire on the mountains outside my window, heavy frost on the ground, and clear, blue skies filled with puffy,white clouds.
It is also that time of year, when different seasons of sports is taking a front seat and a few others are taking a back seat to popularity. Like baseball season is closing, football season has begun, and many of the colleges are beginning to practice basketball, and get geared up for another long season. My niece plays basketball, I enjoy going to her games tremendously, and for a few brief days, we the family, were not sure she would be on the court this season. But God is good, and he has answered prayers, and she is back out there practicing with her mates, a bit slower than normal I would guess, but still she is out there giving it her all. Much will change this season, a new face will be on the bench next to those ladies, and as of now, I do not know who it will be, but a new coach will take their seat next to those ladies in the red and white uniforms. And it will be an interesting season, no doubt, change always brings about interest that is peaked in the hearts of those involved.
And the cool nites, so crisp, so clean, welcome me as I come home either from church, school, or work. It welcomes me as an old dear friend, and I stop sometimes, take a look around, and bask in the favorite time of year, Fall. Soon, the leaves will turn, and they will begin to fall from the trees, and my emotions will get the best of me, and I will yearn for long drives that pull me along country roads, some known, some unknown. I look forward to this time of year from the first really hot day of summer, when the heat is boring down on you, making every inch of your skin sticky, and I let my mind wander, to the cool days that will slowly find there way to me, those crisp and cool days of Fall. Ah, I can see the bright colors already, though they have yet to be seen in the trees, the brilliant reds, bursting orange, and the pale yellow that brings those mellow feelings to my heart. Days gone by that I remember when we would pile up the raked leaves, run as fast as we could, jumping as high as possible and landing in those crunchy leaves. Only to rake them up, and start all over again.
Fall is the best season of all. It's my favorite season of all. And as it is slowly coming to my neighborhood, I smile and throw out my arms to welcome it home.