Sunday, October 11, 2009

Life, Death, and how they connect us

Today I shared in the celebration of the passing of a very dear lady, Ms Nettie Hafer. My mom was a caregiver to this dear lady, and so much more. After ninety-seven years upon this earth our Lord called this woman home to dear ones gone on before her, and to allow her painful body that she had on this earth to have a new pain free one in Heaven. I don't often speak of such experiences, because simply it's not a thing most folk like to hear about. Since I really have only one other person who reads this.. I figure what the heck.. why not.
Several times this year I have been to funeral homes to pay my so called respects, some to friends who have lost family, others to family that have lost loved ones and as today to celebrate the life of Ms Hafer. I met her a few times, and though my mother worked for her for six years, I really didn't know Ms Nettie, but, I heard a lot of stories from my mom, and Ms Linda, Ms Nettie's daughter, with whom I work.since only knowing this dear person for such a short time, I only knew the lady behind the thick, grey hair, the painful body aches, and the loss of hearing that age brings on. Ms Nettie couldn't see well nor could she hear well, but she had a mind that was still sharp and for ninety-seven that is pretty darn good.
But instead of going to a funeral home and finding an open casket waiting for me, I went to a Methodist Church and found wonderful pictures of Ms Nettie from various stages in her life. She was a very beautiful woman, in fact, several of the family and friends commented that her granddaughter, Wendy, looks a lot like her. Which is nice to hear, since Ms Nettie seemed to be a timeless and classy sorta gal. She knew how to dress well, even if her clothes were not brand new. She still looked very classy. Mom always commented how pretty her hair was, and how very thick it was, even for a woman of her age.
So I say that instead of going to a dreary funeral home, I entered a nice church with stained glass windows, arches and moldings that were decades old. It was a nice and welcomed change from the norm. A memorial service is far different than a funeral on any given day, and I for one would much rather celebrate the fact that someone was going to a better place than to think of much harsher realities were in store. I do realizenot all people go to a better place, but I also realize, that was their choice. And I am forced to realize my own choices today... I want to join my family and loved ones who have passed on into eternity before me.. to fellowship with them once again in the brilliant light of our new Son. The Good Book says that sunlight is not needed in heaven because the brilliance of God's glory lights up the heavens. What an amazing concept and how can people not want to see that glory?
Ok, so I did get off track a bit, but still, here I am typing away, and thinking of how even if we think we know someone, Do we really? I would have to say NO! Our pastor said the same thing tonite during service to make several points, of course, that I won't bore you with, but when you truly think about it, We do tend to think we know people we are close to, whether it be friends, family, or our neighbors. We do think that because we talk to them, and we know things about them, but deep down, we only know what they allow us to know, not really who they truly are.
So I say this all to say this... Ms Nettie wasn't someone I knew.. I was merely someone who knew of her, but I know she led a full life for ninety seven years, that she was well taken care of all her life, that she enjoyed friends, and she enjoyed music. And so, I leave you with this thought.. at the end of the day, possibly the end of our lives, what will someone know about YOU?