Friday, December 4, 2009

How did we get here

I haven't been blogging much lately but many things have run through my mind. Thanksgiving is now over and I went shopping on Black Friday and survived. Amazing. Yet, I can't help but feel the pull of all the Christmas decorations around homes, and in stores, pulling me to my dreaded state of mind for this season.
I am not much into the commericalism of Christmas, I hate the hurried rush for everyone to get their decorations out and that it must be done right after Thanksgiving. I heard the other day from someone, " I have so much to put out, I need to get it up early in order to enjoy it." It is the quest for more that leads us to not enjoy what Christmas is meant for.. The birth of our Savior. Did he rush around Bethleham looking for the perfect gifts, I sorta doubt it, did he worry if he had all the current rave of decorative lights strung up around his home? It sounds sorta lame to me to even begin to place Jesus in that sort of Idealism.
He wasn't worried about gifts, he gave the greatest one of all.. Himself. He wasn't worried about lights, He is the brightest light in all the world. He didn't have all the shiny decorations from Christmas's past, or Christmas present placed about his home, He doesn't need them, He has all the stars in the sky, the moon to shine around him and illumminate his world.
Hence is my thinking, Why do we need all these decorations to celebrate the birth of Jesus?
I wonder sometimes, and I have no answer. Yet, I see the lights, the shiny stars and the moon shining up above, and I wonder, isn't this enough?
This year, can we try to celebrate the Real Reason for Christmas, and think for a moment, is this what our Savior would do?
I am ever grateful for his birth, that he loved me enough to come to earth as a babe, and to grow to manhood only to die at 33. Happy Birthday Jesus.

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